Thief 3: Deadly Shadows [cheats] Go to the Thief - Deadly ShadowsSystem directory Copy the DEFAULT.INI file for backup Then Open the DEFAULT.INI with a texteditor like notepad. Scroll to the [Difficulty] section. or use the find option ;) AI visual acuity multiplier - how well AIs can see AI auditory acuity multiplier - how well AIs can hear AI tactile acuity multiplier - how well AIs can feel AI hitpoints multiplier - all AI starting hitpoints will be scaled by this AI-to-player damage multiplier - all damage applied to the player by the AI is scaled by this change the multiplier for see/hear/feel/hitpoints//damage to whatever u feel like, (0)zero usually does it hehe. As u can see the settings are for easy/normal/hard or expert level. If u want u can change them all, but its not necessary just remember which one u changed. -from Dev